A new year, a new blog. The emergence of the Metropolitan Housewife has been a slow process- conceptualized last fall, created ages ago, and finally coming to fruition this very moment. Most of what I put up here will be for selfish reasons- catharsis, documentation for my kiddos, and the opportunity for prospective business partners (and possibly family and friends who may choose to check in here) to get to get to know me on a more personal level. So. Who am I?
I Am:
-36 years old (as of last weekend!)
-A Post-punk, know-it-all, Aetheist, alternative lifestyle bar tender & body piercer who has mellowed out and has been "Born Again"
-A well-educated (OVER-educated, perhaps) Post Grad SpEducator-turned-Work-At-Home-Mom
-Passionate about serving my God and my Family
-A Christian, An Entrepreneur, Teacher, Home business coach
-A Maker of "stuff"
-Someone who strives to live the heck out of life for the short time I'm here, and hopefully leave some things behind that will postively impact others after I'm gone
Some Things I Love:
Almighty God and my Savior, Jesus Christ, MetroDad and our little girls, Knitting, Reading, Crafting, Scrapbooking, Nutella, Burt's Beeswax lip balm, Minty bath & body products, Baking fancy treats or cooking elaborate meals (and eating them!), Mojitos, Mazzy Star, Jazz, Most shades of the color green, Learning new stuff, Bulldogs, Reading crafty blogs,
Two Peas, Ethnic food, Historical fiction, Forensic thrillers, Word Games, Crossword Puzzles, Boggle, Quirky Comic Books, Fall, Cool Weather & overcast days, Painting, Sculpting, Creating, Writing, Going to/watching Movies, Giving unexpected and/or "perfect" gifts
2009 Resolutions
(It took me about a week to decide to make them this year, and here they are:)
-Read the (whole) bible in 2009
-Increase my personal relationship with God
-Get back to "clean" eating and no more processed foods
-Eat dinner at the table as a family each night
-Learn to sew (got a machine for Christmas, thanks MIL & FIL!)
-Create something new on a weekly basis
-Get more organized (home, self, weekly schedule)
-Grow my home business to create financial freedom (debt free)
-Journal the year (hence this blog)