Isn't this a beautiful, traditional-tattoo inspired piece of stained glass?! Really, my photo doesn't do it justice- it's absolutely incredible. Our pal Daniel made a matching set of these lovelies for our front windows. He ROCKS. And now our windows do, too! Thanks, Dan! XOXO
I am very much behind in posting what we've been up to all week. Prepare for a barrage of new posts as I catch up over the weekend... Yes, indeedy!
Thursday I decided to throw caution to the wind, ditch the morning house chores schedule, and go thrifting while Keely was in preschool. This is something I haven't done in ages and it was the best day EVER! Get a load of all this yummy, thrifty-goodness that I scored... What a HAUL!
An adorable, teensy watch-pin upcycled with a decorative spoon handle. It has a loop on the back so it can be worn as a pendant, but my plan is to add it to my clock collection wall.
A yummy purse in a lovely heather grey that features some of my favorite obsessions lately: felting and embroidery! (Seriously, it's like it was created just for ME.)
This gorgeous lime martini glass. (I am passionate about most shades of the color green...)
Adorable red plastic trays for Keely's lunches. See how well they match her crab cup? Awww! (Think "bento"- we're jumping onto the Muffin Tin Monday Bandwagon... Whee!)

And finally, as I was sauntering proudly toward the register with all of my new treasures, this cute, vintage cold cream jar caught my eye. (It still has that delicious cold-creamy smell inside... Mmmmmm!)
I also scored some cute clothes for Keely & Sidney ("Baby-to-Be"), some window markers, some old frames to repurpose, and some sumptuous, old, hard-cover books whose covers I'll be repurposing into a sketchpad for Keely and a notebook for me, using my Bind-It-All. (More to come on that at a later date!)
What an Awesome. Thursday. Morning.