Friday, January 16, 2009

Gettin' Knitty Wit It

I'm what I describe as a "pathological knitter".  

I love it.  I adore it.  I dream about it.  When I'm in a shop that has sweaters on a rack, I find myself analysing the design and identifying the patterns/stitches used to create it.  Now, I'm not saying I'm a GOOD knitter...  I'm just very passionate about it.  Metro Dad and I argue more often than you'd guess about whether it would be "appropriate" for me to bring my knitting along to any given function or outing.  I lose a lot.  (Which may be why I don't go out a lot...?!)

If you have any proclivity toward knitting, you understand.  There are times when you come across a particular yarn, or an intriguing pattern, and you just HAVE to knit.  When I find myself in the throes of one of these obsessive knitting moments, LOOK OUT!  I'd travel through the frozen tundra to get the supplies I need once I've got my heart set on a new project.   For example, my newest passion for collecting patterns for knitted toy food.  Metro Dad simply can NOT comprehend that one.  But I can't help myself.  I've finished a cupcake, and now I'm itching to get to a resale yarn shop to pick up bits and pieces of assorted colors to make a whole tea tray party set of finger foods with my knitting needles.

I've got a trunk full of sock yarn, 1/2 of a sweater I started about 6 years ago, and several projects in various stages of completion, yet all I can think about is knitting these adorable little tea sandwiches!  Yes, I have a daughter who will LOVE playing with them, so it seems logical.  But honestly, even if I was childless, had no access to children, and never intended to DO anything with the knitted toy food upon completion, still I would HAVE to make them.  

Take THIS PROJECT for example.  I just found it today.  A knitted, stuffed uterus- lovely!  When would this be appropriate, even?  Perhaps a friend with a stellar sense of humor who's undergone a hysterectomy?  I dunno, but there's something almost... irresistable...  about the concept of knitting up a cuddly, bubblegum pink uterus, no?

 I know it's not rational.  Heck, lots (most) of the time I don't get around to finishing one project before something new catches my fancy and there sits the "old" project on the needles, waiting for the day that I am lured back once again to complete it.  Probably makes no sense whatsoever if you're not into fiber arts, and Metro Dad can't understand why I'll gleefully pay $20+ for yarn to make ONE pair of socks.  But who cares?  I'm not gonna even bother to rationalize it.   
It makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Omgoodness woman!! You're blog is hilarious.
    Gonna go knit me a uterus now!
    I'm adding you to my fave's!
    Thanks for the 2p's link.
